Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

My Friends:)

Hey bloggers:D hari ini gua mau cerita tentang sahabat gua disekolah:D
Mulai dari yang awal banget yaa:
namanya tuh Nissa, she is nice, so pretty, and loyal to friends. she never diffrenciate friends weather the friends is nice or not. she never make me sad . she's so funny and fun.
Add Nissa on facebook: Khoyrunissa Annabilah

Nah yang kedua ini juga nggak kalah baik ama Nissa. Namanya Tasya. she's so cute pretty, and friendly. she's kind . and the only bestfriend that have been so many times went to my house she's loud, crazy, and stylish too. and she also have so many friends.
Add Tasya on facebook: Tasya Khairunissa

Yang ketiga, itu sahabatku yang paling deket ma akuuuu. namanya Mirna. she's smart, nice, and funny. she's my SMS friend or we can say it "temen curhat". she's a good listener. we've a lot of in common. we're like one mom sisters:).
Add Mirna on facebook: Mirna E. Sumopawiro

Yang keempat ini sahabatku yang tau aku bangeett. namanya Adea. she's so smart, pretty, and very kind. we're so close. and satu alasan yg bikin kita klop itu, kita ada di satu les. namanya Bimbel Primagama. dia banyak banget bantu aku. dia juga kadang suka sharing sama aku. dan dia juga penyimpan secret yang baik.
Add Adea on facebook: Adea Benedicta Tarigan

Kalo yang kelima ini orang bule. namanya Chelsea She's so pretty, fun, and girly. she's fun to talk with. and she's a good helper. she's friends with everyone. and so lovely.
Add Chelsea on facebook: Pamela Chelsea

Yang keenam namanya Santi. she's a quiet friend, funny, and cute. she's a very nice partner. really fun to talk with. care with other people's feeling. and a very nice listener. and the more i like about Santi is, she always following me, everywhere i go. hahahahaha.
Add Santi on facebook: Santi Wijayanto

Yang terakhir namanya Elizabeth. kita udah jadi best friends sejak TK. she's a tomboy, nice and pretty. she's a crazy friend. and always done best for her friend and family
Add Elizabeth on facebook: Elizabeth Ravva Politton

Okay, bloggers, that's enough for the sharing today. c u next time...

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